daily hunk/my future husband.

your smile is heavenly,
i don´t deserve all the love,
that you're giving to me

your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver's around me now,
you're so fine

i'm head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face,
and now i can fly

you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i'm in deep debt,
without you i wouldn't survive...

♥ jag är så förbannat lycklig.
känns som jag får allt jag pekar på just nu.
oh my. allt går min väg. tack som fan ♥

Postat av: Linn

Sv; You think?

hihi, tackar :)

2008-11-11 @ 19:26:08
URL: http://ffamousunknown.blogg.se/
Postat av: P U S S Y D O L L

Sv; I Love Bree! :D Hehe. Filmen var kass! :x

2008-11-11 @ 20:08:20
URL: http://pussydoll.blogg.se/

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